Industry mogul slams Dominican Government’s parasite agencies
Santo Domingo.- Greater Santo Domingo’s industries grouped in the AEIH on Monday regret that the Government has yet to eradicate numerous useless agencies , which duplicate effort and are big burdens for taxpayers.
AEIH president Víctor Castro said while the proposed RD$630. 9 billion budge bolsters social spending, especially education, it also allocates funds to "recognized remoras."
"It’s imperative to put and end to the cronyism kept alive by government agencies which only duplicate functions, erect obstacles, spend lots of money and serve as centers for private businesses," Castro said.
Among the agencies the industrial leader calls “remoras” of "cronyism and political piñata" figure the Agricultural Development Fund (Feda), the State Works Supervisor Engineers Office (OISOE), the Rural and Suburban Electrification Unit (REUS), the State Sugar Council (CEA), the Rosario Dominicana mining company and the State-Owned Companies (CORDE).
"We have to reflect on whether we need ministries of Youth and of Women and what we will do with the CDEEE (electric utility) if we have an Energy and Mines Ministry," Castro said.
He also slammed the agencies he affirms will never work, such as the Competitiveness Commission (Pro-Competencia), because of the major political and economic interests he affirms are involved. "In an act of sincerity and transparency, this entity should be closed and the law stricken down and annulled, because it will never wor."
He regrets that taxpayers’ pockets are squeezed to keep completely useless government agencies, which he calls part of the "ration of the boa."