Local November 11, 2014 | 11:24 am

Dominican police seek to defuse anger after 2 Haitians shot

Barahona, Dominican Republic.- Two Haitian brothers attacked the local police precinct chief Sunday afternoon, allegedly angered when the officer ordered them to stop and searched them.

National Police, South Region commander Maximo Baez said he ordered a thorough investigation into the incident which nearly cost the life of one of the Haitians.

Polo township Police commander Rafael Cuevas said he turned back the assault by the brothers Wilmer, 21, and Vilmar Wesner, 24, outlet listin.com.do reports.

It said one of the Haitians lunged at Cuevas with a switchable but the officer fired his weapon, injuring both.

Wilmer Vilmar was shot three times and requires surgery, while his brother Wesner was shot twice but treated and released from the Jaime Mota Hospital, from where he was escorted to the precinct as part of the investigation.

Sought to occupy hospital

The Haitians occupied Polo’s main street when they learned of the incident, and residents say the foreigner’s death could’ve led to unforeseeable consequences.

Municipal Civil Defense director José Luis Feliz said more than 200 Haitians who live in the town went to the hospital at Polo to try to spring the Vilmars, but were turned away hospital security, police, and the villagers themselves.

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