Local March 3, 2023 | 1:18 pm

Senate and Deputies, among the 21 institutions that do not comply with transparency in public information

In the recent evaluations on transparency carried out by the General Directorate of Ethics and Government Integrity (DIGEIG) to State entities, it was determined that a total of 21 institutions do not comply with the minimum information of Free Access to Public Information and the criteria on Government Ethics. The report details that according to information from the monitoring system of transparency portals, which includes hospitals among other decentralized and autonomous entities, these 21 entities have a percentage below 70 points, with 85% being the minimum to be considered efficient. The list of these institutions is headed by the National Fund for the Environment and Natural Resources, the Chamber of Deputies, the National Grape Institute, the Central Electoral Board, the International Science and Technology Advisory Commission, and the Permanent Commission of National Ephemerides.

Then they are followed, with a valuation below 56%, the Dominican Agricultural Supply Markets with a transparency score of 56.66%; the Dr. Francisco E. Moscoso Puello Teaching Hospital with 55.26%; the National Border Council with 50.78%; the State Radio and Television Corporation (CERTV) with 49.05%; the National Copyright Office with 48.44% and the Senate of the Republic with 44.92%. In the boxes characterized by red color, the Attorney General’s Office also appears with a 69.59% valuation; the Administrator of Social Subsidies (ADESS) with 69.47%, and the Ministry of Agriculture with 69.25%. There is also the Banco Agrícola de la República Dominicana with 67.55%, the Superintendency of Banks with 67.45%; the Doctor Marcelino Vélez Santana Regional Hospital with 66.81%; the Monseñor Nouel Aqueduct and Sewerage Corporation with 66.79%; the National Population and Family Council with 65.76 and the National Equestrian Commission with 62.19%.

Another 13 entities that have a valuation from 73% to 79% are Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad del Norte (EDENORTE), National Health Insurance (SENASA), Special Fund for Agricultural Development (FEDA), and the Dominican Postal Institute (INPOSDOM). In addition to the Moca Aqueduct and Sewerage Corporation, the Ministry of the Presidency, the National Energy Commission, the Commission for the Promotion of National Irrigation Technification, the Patrimony Fund of Reformed Companies (FONPER), and the Professor Traumatology and Surgical Hospital Juan Bosch. Also the Semma Santo Domingo Teaching Hospital, the Santo Domingo Aqueduct and Sewerage Corporation (CAASD), and the Dr. Darío Contreras University Teaching Hospital.

After the evaluations were carried out, the director of Ethics, Milagros Ortiz Bosch, indicated that compliance with the Law “cannot continue to depend on the particular decision of an institution or an incumbent.” And she highlighted in a document that DIGEIG will request on June 30 of this year the suspension of resources from the national budget to institutions that, despite the training and follow-up offered, will have proven their inability to respect the citizen’s right to information.

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