Local November 21, 2023 | 8:17 am

Banco Popular donates RD$60M to those affected by the flooding in Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Popular Bank announced a donation of RD$60 million to support communities and families impacted by the recent tropical disturbance and trough. The aid, beginning from November 18, will be distributed via several channels including the Emergency Operations Center (COE), the archdiocese of Santo Domingo, and dioceses in San Pedro de Macorís, Baní, San Juan de la Maguana, and Barahona. Additionally, the funds will assist the evangelical organization Crusade Student and Professional for Christ.

In a move to support its own workforce, the bank is also providing assistance to employees who suffered structural damage to their homes and personal property due to the rains. Christopher Paniagua, the executive president of Popular, emphasized the bank’s role as a responsible corporate citizen, expressing their commitment to standing in solidarity with those most vulnerable and affected by the natural events.

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