Local May 22, 2024 | 3:06 pm

Dominican Navy welcomes Italian naval ship Raimondo Montecuccoli

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic Navy received the Italian Navy’s military ship Raimondo Montecuccoli at the Sans Souci naval station. The multipurpose high-altitude patrol vessel, commanded by Captain Alessandro Troia, will be docked at Punta Torrecilla in the port of Santo Domingo from May 21 to 24.

The welcoming ceremony was led by Rear Admiral Segundo Ventura García, Deputy Commander General of the Dominican Navy, representing Vice Admiral Agustín Morillo Rodríguez, the Commander General. The event was attended by Italy’s Ambassador Estefano Queirolo and senior officers of the Naval Coordinating Staff.

Rear Admiral Segundo Ventura García and Ambassador Estefano Queirolo extended a warm welcome to the ship’s high command and crew, emphasizing the visit’s role in strengthening historical ties between Italy and the Dominican Republic. This visit aims to enhance cultural ties, cooperation, and promote exchange between the two naval institutions.

The Raimondo Montecuccoli is the third of seven multipurpose high-altitude offshore patrol vessels in the Italian Navy. The ship is currently on a world tour, and its presence in Santo Domingo includes opportunities for the general public to visit.

Visiting Hours

  • Wednesday, May 22: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 23: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
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