Local May 31, 2024 | 10:07 am

Dominican Authorities arrest Portuguese citizen wanted for trafficking

Santo Domingo.- Police agents from OCN-Interpol Santo Domingo, under the Central Investigation Directorate (DICRIM), in collaboration with the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), apprehended a Portuguese national wanted for cocaine trafficking in his home country.

Identified as Bruno Miguel Nogueira Vilaca Cardoso, the arrest took place on Thursday in the Los Guandules neighborhood of La Victoria, located in Santo Domingo North municipality.

Preliminary reports indicate that Vilaca Cardoso is the subject of a red notice for international search and arrest issued by the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Portugal on May 22, 2024. This Interpol alert enables member countries to cooperate in locating and apprehending individuals for extradition purposes.

The arrest was executed to facilitate Vilaca Cardoso’s extradition to Portugal to face charges related to cocaine trafficking.

“The successful operation underscores the Dominican authorities’ dedication to combating organized crime and maintaining regional security,” stated a press release from the PGR regarding the arrest.

Additionally, the statement emphasized the country’s commitment to justice and security, sending a clear message to international criminals that the Dominican Republic will not harbor those evading the law.

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