Local June 14, 2024 | 3:20 pm

ETED to interconnect and commission Maranatha Solar Park

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Electric Transmission Company (ETED) announced that on Saturday, June 15, it will work on the 69 kV Hainamosa-Tamarindo line to interconnect and bring into service the Maranatha photovoltaic solar park. The work will take place from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

This solar park has a capacity of 10 MW, promising approximately 15.9 million watt-hours per year, and will supply electricity to over 6,000 homes in the Santo Domingo Este area, according to an ETED press release.

Due to this work, the Tamarindo and Km 24 communities in the Santo Domingo Este municipality will temporarily experience power outages. During the maintenance period, the Guerra area in Greater Santo Domingo will also be affected.

Additionally, several companies, including Acueducto Oriental, San Isidro Air Base, and Grupo Ramos Mella, will experience temporary outages. The Gildan Free Trade Zone and Mata de Palma will also be affected during the maintenance period.

ETED emphasized that these efforts are part of its commitment to optimizing infrastructure quality to provide citizens with a permanent, efficient, and stable service.

About ETED: The Dominican Electric Transmission Company is a decentralized state electric company dedicated to constructing, expanding, and operating the National Interconnected Electric System (SENI). Its goal is to provide high-voltage electric energy transportation services and fiber optic telecommunications throughout the national territory.

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