Local July 5, 2024 | 1:48 pm

Public sector work suspended in red alert provinces due to rain

Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Public Administration (MAP) has suspended public sector work in Greater Santo Domingo starting at 2:00 PM on Friday, July 5, due to a red alert issued for the area because of a tropical wave’s effects.

In a press release, MAP head Darío Castillo Lugo stated that the decision was based on the latest Emergency Operations Center (COE) report, which predicts intensified rains in the afternoon. This measure aims to ensure public servants can safely return home and reduce traffic congestion.

If the red alert is extended to other provinces or districts, public sector work will also be suspended from 2:00 PM upon the issuance of the warning. Castillo Lugo clarified that essential personnel needed to maintain public services such as security, social protection, emergency response, health, water, and electricity are exempt from this suspension.

Castillo Lugo urged heads of Public Administration entities to ensure their staff’s safety and to exempt those in high-risk areas or vulnerable conditions from work. He also encouraged everyone to follow civil protection agency guidelines and stay alert to COE updates and MAP announcements.

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