Local August 11, 2024 | 7:14 am

President Abinader inaugurates the first Comprehensive Development Center for Women in the country

Santiago – The President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, and the coordinator of the Social Policy Cabinet, Tony Peña, inaugurated this Saturday the first Center for Integral Development for Women (CEDI-MUJER), located on Francisco Lora Avenue, La Otra Banda in the province of Santiago. This innovative project is aimed at all Dominican women.

This initiative, which was financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), is the result of the joint effort of the Social Policy Cabinet and other State institutions aimed at transforming the lives of Dominican women, supported by the Government of President Luis Abinader.

Tony Peña indicated that this work is a testimony to his commitment to improving the quality of life of Dominican women through the social protection institution he heads.

Peña recalled that a second Comprehensive Center for Women will be inaugurated in Santo Domingo Norte in the coming months, thus expanding the scope of this transformative initiative.

She also indicated that the operations of this new center will be carried out exclusively by women and advanced the process of doing so.

“The people who are going to work here are the community members of all these sectors who are in the vicinity of this center,” he emphasized.

The Center for the Integral Development of Women (CEDI-Mujer) services will be available after the opening logistics are concluded.

CEDI-MUJER is a safe space for women, attended by women, that operates under a model based on the articulation and coordination of specific services from different institutions strategically inserted in a Comprehensive Care Plan for each woman according to her needs and for the achievement of her full development.

The director of the CEDI-MUJER center, Ana Lendor, said that this work in the Dominican Republic is also building a path of transformation and development.

“We are committed to creating an environment in which every woman, as she walks through those doors, feels a blanket of security and possibilities,” she added.

For her part, the Minister of Women, Mayra Jiménez, assured that the country has made many advances and changes in recent years, but continuing to deepen the reduction of inequalities and violence will require great challenges.

“CEDI-MUJER, then, has been established as an innovative model for women’s well-being and empowerment in which the provision of high-quality services is organized in a single space,” she said.

To access CEDI-Mujer services

Dominican women can access CEDI-Mujer’s services by making an appointment through OGTIC, dialing *462, or visiting the website www.cedimujer.gob.do.

Each user will be assigned a unique code within the interoperability platform, which will facilitate the CEDI-Mujer team’s monitoring of their evolution and needs. The permanent accompaniment of the social work team ensures that the user is being cared for as required and also positively impacts the quality of life of each Dominican who is cared for in these centers.

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