Local September 23, 2024 | 3:12 pm

ADOFA ensures rice price stability in national market

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Association of Rice Factories (ADOFA) has announced that rice prices will remain stable, with enough inventory to meet national demand in the coming months. Thanks to a successful spring harvest, which yielded over 7.5 million quintals of rice, the country is well-positioned to maintain a steady supply.

Heraldo Suero, executive director of ADOFA, confirmed that the national rice inventory, as of August, stood at 5.4 million quintals, and a second harvest is expected to bring in an additional 5.8 million quintals. This will ensure the availability of rice for both domestic consumption and the tourism sector, a major consumer of rice in the Dominican Republic.

In terms of pricing, Selecto A rice is being sold at RD$31.70 per pound, slightly below the price set by the National Rice Commission. ADOFA projects that prices will remain stable, with a possible decrease as the next harvest begins. Suero credited coordinated efforts between the government and the rice sector for maintaining food self-sufficiency, ensuring the well-being of the population.

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