Colonial Zone underground powerline grid nearly ready

Santo Domingo.- The Colonial City Tourism DevelopmentProgram (PFTCC) announced the final stage of underground power line grid in theareas being revamped in the Colonial Zone.
The PFTCC said it works jointly with the power distributorEdeEste to install 13 high capacity transformers to supply the undergroundinstallation and ensure quality service.
The works began with construction of below-ground structuresfor the two transformer banks to be installed underneath Columbus Park andanother at Billini Park.
The transformers are being installed to avert disruption inthe traditional use of those spaces and avoid disrupting traffic.
"By making these excavations the program collaborateswith EdeEste, agency in charge of underground cables, maintaining a closetechnical collaboration," said PFTCC architect Alejandro Suarez
The work on the Colonial City’s power lines and telephone gridsare conducted by an inter-agency partnership headed by the Tourism Ministry,the National District City Council, the Culture Ministry, EdeEste and phonecompanies, with Excala Iaco and Cogesisa as contractors.