Tourism August 19, 2024 | 8:30 am

Power outages paralyze Las Terrenas

Las Terrenas, DR.- Luz y Fuerza, the electricity distribution company serving the municipality of Las Terrenas in Samaná, has clarified that the recent weekend blackouts in the community were once again due to failures in the line connecting Las Terrenas with the national electricity grid substation in Sánchez.

The company explained that these supply issues are “beyond the control of the distribution company, as we do not operate the interconnection line or the substations that rely on it.” Luz y Fuerza pointed out that these disruptions often occur during times of increased electricity demand, such as the past weekend, when the influx of visitors leads to higher consumption in businesses, hotels, restaurants, tourist establishments, and the numerous occupied private residences.

Frequent interruptions have plagued Las Terrenas since it transitioned from an isolated system supplied by independent generation to the National Interconnected System (SENI) nine years ago. The current interconnection line, installed at that time, has consistently failed to meet the necessary standards for reliable service.

The company suggests building an electrical ring with a 138,000-volt transmission line, extending from Catey to Santa Bárbara de Samaná. This proposal was reiterated in a statement issued during one of the blackouts that occurred when hundreds of visitors were in the area for the August 16 holiday celebrating the Restoration of the country’s Independence.

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October 31, 2024 4:34 pm

Well, Fault or no fault, THe DR better get their shit together, and address this issue with haste, and with deep concern. This is exactly they ype of thing which can bring foreign investment to a STOP. And a mass exodus shortly thereafter. If you canèt run a reliable power supply, you are no longer a nation which is seen as up and coming. As a solid place for investors to take root early in hopes of promise to come. You become just another third world contry who wants to make it but can’t. No excuses, no reasons, no fingerpointing. There is only one answer. You have to do better. And you have to do that NOW!