Construction workers ask to be included in the government’s social and economic assistance plans, as has been done with other vulnerable sectors.
The Dominican Association of Home Builders and Promoters (Acoprovi), the Dominican Chamber of Construction (Cadocon) and the National Federation of Construction Workers (Fenticommc) requested the Dominican State to include more than 300,000 workers in the construction sector, which need clear support and recognition from the Government to survive this crisis.
They recalled that the workers of the sector live on what they work for day by day in the different construction sites.
The Fenticommc general secretary, Pedro Julio Alcántara, said that the entity is willing to collaborate with the government in the creation of the mechanism that allows construction workers to benefit from protection and social assistance programs, just as it has done with other vulnerable groups in the country so that together with their families they can endure the quarantine period ordered by the authorities.