Santo Domingo.- Cuban ambassador Carlos Jesusde la Nuez on Sunday said talks are underway leading to a free trade agreementwith the Dominican Republic, which he affirms will gprovide facilities to businessleaders from both nations.
He said Cuba’s new Investment Law hasprompted major companies to visit his country on the potential benefits of thelegislation.
Among the products within the treaty that thediplomat listed figure steel billet which his country sells to the DominicanRepublic to manufacture rebar, in addition to ethanol and some chemicals.
he said the Dominican Republic’s vastmajority of products give it a favorable trade balance, because of their highervalue and shher numbers.
Good ties
Interviewed by, de la Nuez saidthe historical and cultural ties are going well citing a "naturalchemistry" that he affirms bond Cubans and Dominicans.
"There’s dialogue in all aspects. Bilateralrelations are at a very moment. We have many friends in the Dominican Republic,the Dominican people love Cuba."