Economy April 5, 2016 | 11:48 am

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Zogby poll: President Medina 49.1%, rival Abinader 44.3%

Santo Domingo.- The USbased pollster Zogby Analytics on Tuesday revealed a national survey conducted March18 to 20 with people of voting age, in which ruling PLD party re-electioncandidate and president Danilo Medina scores 49.1 percent, and opposition PRMparty candidate Luis Abinader figures with 44.3%.

The people polled wereasked “If the elections were held today, for which of these candidate would youvote in the May 15 presidential election?" 49.1 percent said for Medinaand 44.3 percent for Abinader.

As to the othercandidates and their parties the survey said Guillermo Moreno (Al-Pais) has 2.%;Minou Tavarez (Opcion Dem(0.5 percent); Pelegrin Castillo (FNP) 0.4 percent;Hatuey Decamps (PRSD) 0.2 percent; and 2.8% undecided.

The electoralpopulation, 2,198, with a confidence level of 95% and amargin of error of 3.1%.

Zogby Analytics presidentJohn Zogby disclosed the figures during a press conference at the JW Marriotthotel in the capital.

The survey was reportedly conducted at therequest of a group of business leaders.

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