Local January 3, 2023 | 9:30 am

High prices on Boca Chica beach irritate vacationers

Source: Listin Diario

Hundreds of people went to Boca Chica beach yesterday to continue celebrating the start of the New Year, but many were dissatisfied with the high prices of vendors’ services. According to visitor reports, the cost of a fried fish service with plantains or French fries as a garnish ranges from RD$800 to RD$2,000. “They are bleeding our pockets dry, people are leaving because this is abuse. This is chaos; the Dominicans cannot come here,” said Luisa, who was visiting the area on vacation.

The tables, parking lot, and use of the restrooms are also extra costs. A citizen who visited the location said she had to pay RD$1,000 or consume three services to use a table. She also stated that she paid 150 pesos to park her vehicle and 50 pesos to use the restroom.

It was possible to confirm the inconsistency of the prices in the establishment. Some restaurants charged RD$1,300 to RD$1,500 for fish, while others charged RD$500, RD$650, and up to RD$800.


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