Puerto Plata Hospital opens a special room exclusively for viruses

The Ricardo Limardo Teaching Hospital of Puerto Plata has a special room for the care of any patient who may have symptoms of coronavirus, Dr. Edwin López told Listin Diario.
He said that the room enabled for these purposes features an air conditioning and oxygen supply independent of the central system of the hospital and that he has received specialized medications for the treatment of pneumonia and other conditions related to patients affected by the disease.
He also explained that the medical staff has received specific training for the care of patients who may have symptoms of the disease and that the Ministry of Public Health has had a staff to serve in the ports and airports of the area.
The regional hospital Ricardo Limardo is assigned for the attention of any case that occurs in the provinces of Puerto Plata, Valverde, and Monte Cristi.
The communications director of the Ministry of Tourism, Napoleón de la Cruz, in response to this media, said that there is a protocol in relation to the management of these cases, so it is the governing institution that draws the policies regarding the measures of prevention.
In that regard, he said that tourism welcomes and supports the measures that have been arranged within the framework of its coordination table.
So far no cases of coronavirus have been registered in the country, the Ministry of Public Health and the National Health System have placed of a series of epidemiological surveillance measures in ports and airports, in order to detect any suspicious cases.