World December 11, 2023 | 5:47 pm

US Sanctions former Dominican Attorney General, Jean Alain, and family for corruption

Santo Domingo.- In a significant move, the US Government has imposed sanctions on Jean Alain Rodríguez Sánchez, a former Dominican official, and his immediate family, including his wife María Isabel Pérez Sallent and their two minor children. This action follows Section 7031(c) of the US legislation, which bars entry to the United States for foreign government officials and their families involved in significant corruption or serious human rights violations.

The Department of State has designated over 30 individuals under the same section, as part of the Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2023. Additionally, the Treasury Department is targeting two individuals and 44 entities under Executive Order 13818, which implements the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act. These measures align with the US’s commitment to promoting global accountability, especially in light of International Anti-Corruption Day and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

Jean Alain Rodríguez Sánchez faces serious accusations from the Dominican Public Ministry. He is alleged to have engaged in bribery, blackmail, extortion, embezzlement, and fraud against the State during his tenure as the Attorney General from 2016 to 2020. The charges are part of the Medusa case file, which outlines his involvement in a network of administrative corruption.

The Medusa case implicates several other former officials, including Alfredo Alexander Solano, Javier Alejandro Forteza Ibarra, Jonathan Joel Rodríguez Imbert, Jenny Marte Peña, Altagracia Guillén Calzado, Rafael Antonio Mercedes Marte, and advisor Miguel José Moya. They face charges including coalition of officials, prevarication, criminal association, and defrauding the State. These sanctions represent a strong stance by the US against corruption and underscore the importance of international accountability.

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Paul Tierney
December 12, 2023 8:00 am

This is a political and public way the US is putting the Jean Alain and the RD government on notice.

December 13, 2023 7:09 am

There go his shopping trips to Miami…