Local October 22, 2015 | 4:17 pm

Dominican Republic beefs up border while Haitians go to polls

Dajabon, Dominican Republic.-Three days before Haitians vote for a new president, Dominican Republic´s governmentdeployed additional military and police,at border markets and where undocumented foreigners could enter as well.

Haitians go to thepolls for the first round on Sunday to elect a president and vote for legislativeand municipal posts in the second balloting.

Haiti customs meanwhilehave retained for the last 22 days nine tractor trailers loaded with cement of theDominican truckers union Fenatrado, whose local president Giovanni Escotto on Wednesdaysaid they sent a letter to Haitian officials requesting their return. "Nowwe´re waiting for answers on these trucks."

Quoted by diariolibre.com,the union leader said his concern is that gangs could steal the merchandise if thetrucks remain in Haiti any longer.

Binational market

Meanwhile Dominican merchantswere readying for the binational market held Mondays and Fridays, but cautionthat Haitian authorities maintain the ban on 23 Dominican products from enteringtheir territory over land routes.

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