Swiss citizen drowns in Sosua Beach
Sosua.- In a tragic incident, authorities in Santiago recovered the lifeless body of a Swiss citizen who drowned in the Atlantic Ocean, within the bay of Sosúa, located in the Puerto Plata province.
The victim, identified as León Marcelin, was 55 years old and had been reported missing since 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, while he was swimming at the beach.
According to the authorities, Marcelin did not heed the warnings provided by volunteers from relief agencies, who had cautioned him against entering the water due to the abnormal waves and perilous currents.
Reports indicate that some local citizens removed the red flag that had been placed on the beach in Sosúa to signal the hazardous marine conditions.
The search and rescue operation for Marcelin’s body involved various agencies, including the National Emergency and Security Assistance System 9-1-1, Civil Defense, Sosúa Firefighters, and the Search and Rescue (SAR) Unit of the Police Force. Additionally, the operation received support from the Air Force, Navy personnel, as well as officers from POLITUR and the National Police.
sad…yeah the water is nasty over the weekend. Me and my wife were sitting on the beach watching people risking there lives for a swim on Sunday; was so bad could not even walk the beach in Sosua + why would someone remove the RED flag?
I was in Costambar last week and yes the ocean waves were strong…at least there were several red flags up and for the most part folks obeyed and stayed out of the water…
constabar waters ste fairly shallow , but they do cross the road and hit houses and streets leading to the beach …