Economy February 10, 2015 | 10:34 am

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Mayor announces RD$800M for new market, rebuild old one

Santo Domingo,- Santo Domingo mayor Roberto Salcedo on Monday announced that the icon Mercado Nuevo market will be rebuilt at a cost of around RD$800 million and the area around the bustling Duarte and Paris streets intersection will be cleaned up.

After meeting with president Danilo Medina and Administrative minister Jose Ramon Peralta, Salcedo said the reconstruction of Mercado Nuevo will cost RD$208 million, while the new on at Duarte, Martí and Paris streets will cost around 600 million pesos.

Quoted by, Salcedo said the plan is to build seven small markets to relocate vendors, recover the area and improve street lighting, and power lines, and wider sidewalks.

The Mayor added that Medina is upbeat about the projects, whose next step is to earmark the funds.

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