Russia wants Dominican Republic fruits on US ban

Santo Domingo.- Russia wants to buy all kinds of fruits and vegetables from Dominican Republic, as their quality has spiraled global demand for those products and take advantage of the cargo space available on planes which transport tourists.
Interviewed Thursday by newspaper Listin, Russia itinerant ambassador to Venezuela and Dominican Republic Vladimir Zaemskiy was asked about the announced ban of some fruits by the US on concern with the Mediterranean fruit fly.
He said his country’s direct flights to Punta Cana only use a third of their potential load. "Efforts to increase the volume of exports of Dominican fruits and vegetables to Russia have been done for years."
The diplomat said during his five years as Moscow’s envoy he’s come to know the quality of Dominican products quite well and has worked on it after seeing the planes return to Russia empty.
He said he’s been visiting Punta Cana since last Monday to assess the first exports of Dominican fruits and vegetables to Russia, started the procedures 445 days ago.