Economy December 21, 2015 | 9:39 am

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Dominican organic bananas lead the world

Santo Domingo.- DominicanRepublic has become a world leader in exports of organic bananas, which should spurit to do well in other crops.

Dominican AgribusinessBoard (JAD executive president Osmar Benitez said banana supply rose on wider plantingdespite a steep fall in production from the nationwide drought which lasted untilmid-year.

The agribusiness leadersaid the change in the European Union´s sanitary policy in 1992 benefitedDominican Republic, spurring the planting of organic instead of traditionalbananas, making the country one of the biggest producers.

Interviewed with other JAD executives, Benitez said 63% of the bananas grown inthe country is organic, while 20% is in transition.

He added that 50% ofthe bananas sold worldwide is grown locally, making the Dominican Republic theleading supplier.

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