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Bishop advocates for Tax Reform benefiting the poorest in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- The bishop of the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo, Monsignor José Amable Duran Tineo, expressed hope and prayer that the upcoming tax reform will benefit the poorest citizens.

“The necessary fiscal reform should not favor those who already have the most, the influential and powerful groups, but rather the poorest,” said the religious leader to hundreds of parishioners during the Corpus Christi Day Eucharistic mass held at the Faro a Colón.

Duran Tineo emphasized that he hopes the reform will lead to a fairer distribution of wealth, including significant improvements in salaries, the social security system, and healthcare.

He stated, “Although social assistance is necessary, we do not aspire to perpetuate a state of dependency. We advocate for a homeland where social justice prevails, as it is the only guarantee of peace and well-being for all.”

The bishop highlighted the disparity in the thriving economy, noting that only 10% of the population benefits from the prosperity. “This results in the luxurious lifestyles of a few and the poverty of the majority, leaving many families in misery,” he said.

To address this imbalance, Duran Tineo suggested heeding Pope Francis’ advice to foster a world of fraternal charity, moving away from a society driven by self-interest and utilitarian partnerships.

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May 31, 2024 5:51 pm

Ask your buddy francis in vatican to send us some of the gold they have tucked all over the globe …
That way we’ll remedy this proposal in no time …

June 1, 2024 6:32 pm

Un niño de 12 años no encuentra escuela en el distrito de Santo Domingo. ¿Porqué es eso? Si este gobierno es tan bueno y reelegido para otro mandato, ¿por qué es así? yo digo que es una tonteria

June 2, 2024 12:38 pm

what about the orphanage in Yuma, that scandal was never cleared because the prison in Higuey burned down just before the trial. what about all the cattle the church received every year in Higuey, so many people suffering, and they cannot get around at the end of the month

June 10, 2024 8:53 pm

good idea, lets start by taxing the churches