Presidential candidate wants life in prison for femicides (Correct)

Santo Domingo.- To heighten the penalties and create drastic measures against crime, the minority opposition AlPais party’s presidential candidate would restore life imprisonment for femicide convictions.
Guillermo Moreno on Thursday said the country needs stronger systems to punish femicide and establish it as a legal figure in the Penal Code.
He said the country’s femicides have characteristics of a criminal epidemic, with more than 20 women killed by their spouses or exes in the first two months this year.
Moreno, speaking in the forum on electoral gender equality, said there were 1,353 femicides from 2005 to 2011, or one every 45 hours. “With the present indices of violence it’s clear that we are in a State that has failed in prevention and where impunity continues being the great ally for the aggressor man.”