Dominican Tourism Press cites advances, inducts new board
Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s tourism press plays a key role to promote and defend tourism with an active and decision-making communication, said Dominican Tourism Press Association (Adompretur) outgoing president Osvaldo Soriano.
Speaking to render a reports and induct the entity’s new board, Soriano said integration, journalists’ training and international and annual summits were Adompretur’s most important achievements in the last four years, whose communicators played a key role.
"If we were to sum up Adompretur’s greatest contribution in one phrase we can say social recognition. He lauded the tourism press’ prestige and its commitment to develop and consolidate tourism in Dominican Republic through communication," he said.
Among the main advances during his tenure at Adompretur Soriano cited the affiliation with the Iberoamerican Tourism Journalists Forum, in Montevideo, umbrella organization of national associations of journalists and media in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Portugal and Uruguay.