Senator Franklin Rodríguez requests a metro that connects San Cristóbal with Santo Domingo

After more than a year of research, Senator Franklin Alberto Rodriguez Garabitos of San Cristóbal province presented a resolution to the Senate of the Republic requesting the construction of a subway in his district. The resolution requesting the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, to build an interprovincial Metro line connecting the provinces of San Cristóbal and Santo Domingo by rail route was presented on January 31, 2022, but the congressman had not made the project public due to rigorous studies. Rodriguez Garabitos stated in an audiovisual filmed in the chamber that, due to the economic and social growth of San Cristóbal, the boundary is one of the most thriving in his region and the one with the greatest mobility towards the City of Santo Domingo.
He also mentioned how many San Cristobalenses work, study, and run errands in the great Dominican capital. According to the study based on official data, approximately 52,000 vehicles enter and leave that province each day, mobilizing approximately 130,000 citizens. The legislator’s proposal would have eight stations along the 6 de Noviembre highway, covering a distance of 38 kilometers. Station one is in the municipality of Yaguate, station two in Los Congos, station three in Cuevas de Pomier, station four is in the heart of San Cristóbal, very close to the Constitution Bridge, station five in Hatillo, station six in Boca de Nigua, station seven in Quita Sueño, and station eight in the Plaza de la Bandera or Pintura.
Eduardo Estrella, President of the Senate, accepted Franklin Rodriguez’s request and referred the initiative to the Senate Transportation Commission for review.