Local August 24, 2023 | 12:11 pm

U.S. expert Jay Rodriguez affirms Dominican aviation is living a historic moment

Santiago, DR. – The technical advisor of the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC), Javier Rodriguez -Jay-, acknowledged that the country is living a historic and timely moment to open the doors to the world of aviation.

The former official of the FAA, of the United States, considered that it is time to “bury the hatchet, open the fist and take us hand in hand” for aviation to continue advancing, as it is a vital means of transport for the growth of tourism and employment opportunities.

He said that since the arrival of Hector Porcella to IDAC, corrective measures are being taken to ensure compliance with international standards of civil aviation, while highlighting the hard work of a team of inspectors and qualified personnel who normally receive training, so that the body responsible for the safety of commercial aviation remains ready to be audited at any time.

Today Dominican aviation has begun to grow with giant steps, said the expert, while considering that all Dominicans should focus on the opportunities that exist for the country to continue with the development of air transport and get the advantages of being the Hub, or perfect center for aviation in the region.

When interviewed on the radio program “Por Aire Mar y Tierra,” produced by veteran pilot Pedro Dominguez, Rodriguez said that it is likely that everyone recognizes the need for air transport for the country, “what many do not understand is the need to create an awareness of the operational safety of civil aviation. Civil aviation safety awareness is everyone’s commitment,” he stressed.

He assured that there is great support within the institution to continue cooperating and ensuring compliance with the obligations established by the conventions of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). “For the peace of mind of everyone who hears me, I assure you that the team of inspectors and support staff of the IDAC is highly qualified and has received all the necessary training for any external audit,” Jay assured.

The IDAC advisor said he is optimistic and confident that the International Air Safety Advisory (IASA) will give the go-ahead to continue in Category 1 of that FAA program. “I personally know the team that is working 6 and 7 days a week, 8 and 12 hours a day to keep the country in compliance with ICAO standards. We must take off our hats and recognize the dedication and work of everyone in the IDAC team,” he pointed out.

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