Local March 28, 2024 | 8:12 am

Haiti’s canal lowers the flow of the Masacre River

Haiti.- Haiti has completed the connection of the canal designed to divert water from the Massacre River in the city of Juana Méndez. Within a mere 24 hours of its completion, the flow of the river drastically diminished, virtually drying up thereafter.

Leybis Sanders, president of the Masacre River irrigation system, condemned the situation, highlighting its detrimental effects on hundreds of farmers and the surrounding Saladillo lagoon, as well as local wildlife and livestock. Farmers, awakening to the abrupt disappearance of river water, expressed dismay at the timing, as they were just beginning the spring harvest.

Sanders explained that within hours, only stagnant wells remain as remnants of the river, failing to reach agricultural plots. Consequently, the complete disappearance of water is anticipated in the coming days, impacting producers in areas such as Dique Don Pedro, Los Veteranos, Portolatín, El Coco, Sánchez, and Laguna Saladillo, downstream to Manzanillo where the river flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Haiti opens Juana Méndez canal and lowers the flow of the Masacre River

Concerned landowners and ranchers in the La Vigía community are convening a meeting to address the severity of the situation, fearing dire consequences in the canal area.

In response to the crisis, Leybis Sanders urgently appealed to the authorities of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI) to activate the pumps installed at the defunct “Customs” canal. The new irrigation system along the riverbank near Cesfront remains inactive, awaiting a resolution from Haiti to cease its canal construction activities.

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Carlos Hernandez
March 28, 2024 2:46 pm

Dominican government knew this and did nothing.

Alberto Gomez
March 28, 2024 9:27 pm

With a neighbor like these people(Haitians) who needs enemies. Soon , Haiti will have a gangster as a President. How low can they go ?

March 29, 2024 12:07 pm
Reply to  Alberto Gomez

That’s a good question.

March 29, 2024 4:42 pm
Reply to  Alberto Gomez

If only DR could thrive without Haitians. Haiti has had impact on the world stage both diplomatically and culturally. What does DR have? Tourism and xenophobia. Let’s see how long you can keep calling Haitians boogeymen before DR becomes another US owned territory.

Alberto Gomez
March 29, 2024 7:20 pm
Reply to  ThinkLogica

Another Afrocentric, funny , Haiti has had impact on what ?? Still 200 years of nothingness, Looks like Haiti is the pinnacle of western civilization , everyone in the world wants to move there .. Haiti founded by the most racist person on the western continent Jean Jacques Dessalines hated whites. Haiti is very racially diverse almost 100 percent African. Better to be another territory of the Great Empire than being next a Sh1thole (Haiti) . And where are the Haitians rushing to move , oh the Great empire .

Samuel Philidor
April 2, 2024 8:24 am

You guys are delusional. The canal is not hurting the river you just do not want Haiti to progress. You guys have 11 canals but are crying because we built our $200k canal with the help of the diaspora and our engineers. We will never stop developing our nation. Stay mad and negative. God don’t like ugly remember that