Local May 28, 2024 | 3:44 pm

Deputies approve bill for declaring missing persons deceased in San Cristóbal

Santo Domingo.- The Chamber of Deputies has approved in second reading a bill allowing for the judicial declaration of death for individuals who went missing at the old market in San Cristóbal.

The initiative, proposed by Deputy Yenia Doñé Tiburcio, stipulates that individuals who disappeared from the old market on Padre Ayala Street in San Cristóbal, or its surrounding areas, and have not been confirmed alive or had their bodies recovered, can be declared deceased.

The bill allows any interested party or the Public Ministry to request such a declaration from the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the Province of San Cristóbal.

The proposed law, which now moves to the Senate for further consideration, specifies that all forms of evidence will be admissible for the declaration of death. This includes publications, videos, audios, digital location data, telephone conversations, WhatsApp messages, official communications, and recognition.

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Paul Tierney
May 29, 2024 8:09 am

This declaration of death bill is a result of a huge tragic explosion and fire in the market area of San Cristobal of August 2023. There were estimates of 27 or more killed. Some bodies were never recovered because of the extent of damage.
