Local July 1, 2024 | 1:17 pm

Director of Public Defense proposes key changes to Prisoner Release Bill

Santo Domingo.- Rodolfo Valentín Santos, the Director of Public Defense, has offered a series of observations on a proposed bill by the Permanent Commission on Human Rights of the Chamber of Deputies, led by Deputy Juan Dionicio Rodríguez Restituyo. The bill aims to establish release procedures for prisoners with special health conditions and advanced age.

Mr. Santos emphasized several critical points that he believes should be addressed to ensure the bill’s equity and effectiveness:

  1. Inclusion of Mental Illness and Advanced Age: He suggested that the bill explicitly include mental illness and advanced age, in addition to terminal illness, as valid criteria for release.
  2. Application of the Law: Santos questioned the delegation of law enforcement to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, arguing that this institution’s accusatory role may compromise its objectivity.
  3. Exclusion by Type of Crime: He objected to the automatic exclusion of individuals convicted of certain crimes, such as serious offenses or administrative corruption, arguing that all individuals should have equal opportunities under the principle of social justice.
  4. Period for Release: He proposed reducing the six-month period established for the special release program, recognizing the urgency in cases of critical health.
  5. Admissibility Criteria: Santos criticized the consideration of good conduct as a criterion for release on health grounds, suggesting this criterion is more appropriate for other penal benefits like conditional release.
  6. Financial Resources and Fines: He emphasized the need to correctly apply current regulations on the payment of fines, without conditioning release on the individual’s financial capacity.
  7. Letters of Recommendation: Santos considered the requirement for letters of recommendation from entities or communities for health-related release unnecessary.

Mr. Santos acknowledged the importance of the initiative as a step towards respecting the dignity of those deprived of liberty but urged that these observations be considered to improve the project and ensure its effectiveness and equity.

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