Local July 3, 2024 | 7:53 am

Hurricane Beryl moves away

Santo Domingo.- The National Meteorological Office (ONAMET) reported that Hurricane Beryl remains a category 4 hurricane, currently located at latitude 16.6 north and longitude 74.4 west, approximately 300 kilometers east/southeast of Kingston, Jamaica. With maximum sustained winds of 230 kph, it is moving west/northwest at about 31 kph. The public is advised to stay alert to its evolution through issued bulletins.

Weather Conditions and Forecast

Despite cloudy skies in the western part of the country, rainfall is expected to decrease as Hurricane Beryl moves away. A drier air mass is anticipated to enter the region.

  • Morning: Showers and possible thunderstorms are expected in provinces such as Pedernales, Barahona, Independencia, Bahoruco, Elías Piña, San Juan, and Azua.
  • Afternoon to Early Evening: Cloudiness will increase, leading to showers, thunderstorms, and possible wind gusts in provinces including Hato Mayor, Monte Plata, Sánchez Ramírez, La Vega, Monseñor Nouel, San Cristóbal, San José de Ocoa, Santiago, San Juan, Elías Piña, and Dajabón.

ONAMET maintains Meteorological Alert levels due to expected rainfall over the next 24 to 48 hours, warning of possible flooding of rivers, streams, and ravines, urban flooding, and potential landslides in various provinces.

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