Traffic cops to chase windshield washers, street vendors away

Santo Domingo.- The Metropolitan Transit Authority (AMET) on Thursday announced it will remove the windshield washers and street vendors in various National District intersections in the next few hours, to avert inconvenience and conflicts with drivers and pedestrians and avoid damage to vehicles.
AMET said it will coordinate the measure with the National Police to remove the people who often coerce drivers into paying for parking their car in public spaces and on streets and avenues.
In a statement, the agency said it receives reports of assaults daily at traffic lights and around government offices, businesses, health centers, among others, where citizens make errands.
It’s the second time since 2013 that AMET takes such action: The agency removed windshield washers and vendors from some streets and avenues of Greater Santo Domingo that year, after a motorist shot and killed a cleaner in the head on the corner of Jimenez Moya (Churchill) and Sarasota avenues.