Local March 16, 2013 | 7:18 am

New book highlights legacy of Francisco Caamaño

SantoDomingo.- Different qualities of the hero Francisco Alberto Caamaño,such as his humanism and loyalty to the principles, were emphasizedby family, comrades and admirers of his work during a panel held atthe General Archive of the Nation (AGN).

RobertoCassá, AGN’s director, said Caamaño represents an enduring examplewithin the historical circumstances of this Caribbean country. Duringthe panel, Hamlet Hermann presented his latest book “Caamaño,Biografía de una Época” (Caamaño, biography of an era).

"Caamañowas, is and will be a lucky man, because he could break all kinds ofties to become the leader of a revolution," said Luis Gomez, aprofessor at the SantoDomingo State University’s (UASD).

Thepanelists also recalled the landing at Playa Caracoles on February 3,1973, which had a high price because 13 days later Caamaño wasassassinated by order of then President Joaquin Balaguer.

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