World May 28, 2024 | 11:19 am

President Abinader to attend Ukraine peace conference

Lisbon.- During his visit to Lisbon, President Luis Abinader of the Dominican Republic announced on Tuesday that he has accepted an invitation to attend the peace conference on Ukraine scheduled for June 15 and 16 in Lucerne, Switzerland.

Abinader made this statement alongside Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa at the Palácio de Belém, where they engaged in a meeting lasting just over half an hour following a reception with military honors.

The Dominican president, addressing journalists without fielding questions, explained that Rebelo de Sousa had convinced him to participate in the peace conference.

“We had already received an invitation from President Pedro Sánchez of Spain, but after discussing it with President Rebelo, we can confirm our attendance,” said Abinader, stressing the global significance of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. “We will be there to work towards peace, an objective we share with President Rebelo,” he added.

Rebelo de Sousa echoed Abinader’s sentiments, noting that their discussions encompassed the international landscape and efforts towards peacebuilding in Europe, including the situation in Ukraine.

“We stand together on these issues,” affirmed the Portuguese president, highlighting the longstanding international collaboration between their nations. He also referenced Portugal’s support for the Dominican Republic’s election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2018, and expressed hope for reciprocal support for Portugal’s candidacy for the same position in 2027.

At the bilateral level, discussions included maritime affairs, with Abinader expressing interest in bolstering collaboration in defense, maritime security, and ecological sustainability. Both leaders expressed a desire to deepen the bilateral agreement signed between their countries a year and a half ago concerning digital matters and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Rebelo de Sousa emphasized the potential for enhanced collaboration across various sectors such as economy, culture, technology, and science. Abinader echoed this sentiment, affirming his commitment to strengthening relations and citing Portugal’s success in digital transformation as an area of mutual interest.

Following their meeting, President Abinader visited the facilities of the Portuguese Agency for Administrative Modernization (AMA), after which he joined his Portuguese counterpart for lunch. The camaraderie between the two leaders was evident, with Abinader praising Rebelo de Sousa’s leadership and referring to him as a mentor since their first encounter at an Ibero-American summit.

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May 28, 2024 11:33 am

I hope President Abinader and president Zelensky met in Lisbon today. Zelensky landed from Brussels this afternoon.

May 28, 2024 7:25 pm
Reply to  OSINTDR

We need money from Russian tourists , not pay attention to wars that affect our economy …

Mr . President Abi-Nader war will be over soon and we gonna have exodus of Russian financial injection …

When they’re fighting we lose , because they are not spending here, they’re spending on killing each other …

Let’s channel that flow here …

Our president shouldn’t meet nor associate with losers…

It’s detrimental for our future and overall existence …

I belive you’re an adult ,therefore don’t let those who control your mind …
Those who listen to them are always on the losing end …

However exercise your libre albedrío any way you see it fit …

Last edited 4 months ago by Fundador
May 28, 2024 10:22 pm
Reply to  Fundador

Very strange that this so called peace conference did not invite the other major party in this conflict, Russia…and yes Europe and the US on the wrong side of history again…

Gary Beard
May 28, 2024 10:39 pm
Reply to  Alfredo

They are making money . War is profitable. 100 billion of us tax dollars . You think they are not building homes with that on Switzerland ?

My Name Is Not Important
May 29, 2024 12:16 pm
Reply to  Alfredo

The only “peace” Russia wants is to steal half of Ukraine’s territory, which is still not enough for Moscow to rebuild a colonial empire.

May 29, 2024 5:25 pm

First learn what “ukrania” means in Russian ,than comment …
Look up history books( or internet) what happened in 1954 , who became president of Soviet union , and what was his background …

You cannot still something that over millenia already belongs to you …

May 29, 2024 11:37 am
Reply to  Fundador

You are a typical traitor! a moneywhore. No scruples. You should be ashamed. Go and lick Trump’s ass you damn fool!!!

May 29, 2024 5:13 pm
Reply to  OSINTDR

Take a puff or two from peace pipe and sing “hakuna matata”…

If that doesn’t show any remedy try some more concrete more mind bending meds( chill pill) …

Educate yourself , don’t become “punching bag” on social platforms , another word do not ridicule yourself in public …

You’re obviously showing sins of instability , and being unhinged confirms ,and backs up your bipolar ,angry behavior …

May 29, 2024 12:00 pm
Reply to  Fundador

Pathetic! Anyway good luck with the Russians and their money.If off course Russia survives!

May 29, 2024 5:18 pm
Reply to  OSINTDR

I’m in favor of our Dominican Republic blossoming , if we can get influx of foreign investment and spending ,that will be great …

Always remember ,money does not have eyes ,goes to those willing to receive them ..

Wars and politics do not help us grow ,money, investment does …

Sometimes it’s better to listen Radio Guarachita than to spew unsupported blatherskite all over the place …

May 30, 2024 3:39 pm
Reply to  Fundador

DR blossoming, you really care? Don’t think so, people as you are only interested in $. You would sell your mother, family , even yourself for a few pesos! You are the type of gangsters DR has to get rid of. Anyway, your lovely neighbours will do it!

May 30, 2024 5:14 pm
Reply to  Fundador

Your friend the moneymaker, the traitor is found guilty. You are next as..holle. His your ass good bye!

Gary Bearg
May 28, 2024 10:37 pm

If trump were president there would be no wars