Tourism June 8, 2016 | 12:50 pm

Top 8 Dominican diving sites, by

SD. United Nations Resolution 63/11 designated June 8 WorldOceans Day, to raise awareness of the crucial role that oceans play in thelives of humans and the ways in which people can help protect them.

Outlet lists the eight best places to dive inthe Dominican Republic, and encourage their protection.

Bayahibe. Visit remains of sunken ships (Saint George andPrincess Atlantic); reefs at night; and marine wildlife at Catalina and Saonaislands.

Saona Island. Huge biodiversity in dive sites (Catalinita,La Parguera, El Peñon I, II and III).

La Caleta. With shipwrecks "Hickory","Captain Alsina" and "Limon"; an underwater route with Tainosculptures; and a 12 square kilometer reef.

Montecristi. A pirate adventure? Discover the 23 shipwrecks(100) underlying this National Park.

Cayo Arena. The only coral island in the country, has warmand shallow waters.

Boca Chica. "El Catuan" rests here, around 60feet deep, and the reef "Barracuda" full of that variety of predatorfish.

Salinas. Observe eels and dive in the islet Pelado inAyangue and Derrumbao.

Pedernales. Prime sites:"Cabo Rojo," "Cabo Falso" and "Bahia de lasAguilas" colorful scenes of flora and fauna.

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