Economy January 18, 2022 | 10:30 am

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National Lab can spot swine fever in 24 hours

Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Agriculture announced that it has equipped the Central Veterinary Laboratory (LAVECEN) with state-of-the-art technology to detect the African swine fever virus in 24 hours or less, which makes the country self-sufficient in terms of diagnosing the disease..

The Minister of Agriculture, Limber Cruz, indicated in a press release that with this contribution, Lavecen can carry out PCR, antigen and antibody detection tests to diagnose the disease by molecular biology, which allows the results to be delivered to the agricultural authorities in opportune time, detect possible sources of contagion and have an effective control of the virus.

“It is no longer necessary to send samples abroad, because the country has a laboratory that performs them and delivers results in less than 24 hours,” he said.

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