Local January 28, 2013 | 3:39 pm

Dominicans like their President’s job performance: Gallup-Hoy

Santo Domingo.- Eight out of every 10 Dominicans approve president Danilo Medina’s job performance, while 60.5% see it as "better than expected," says a Gallup poll released today by newspaper Hoy.

The survey conducted with 1,200 people from January 18 to 21 found that only 16% of voters disapprove of Medina’s tenure, which began August 16, replacing Leonel Fernandez.

The Gallup survey found that 84% of those polled say Medina, an economist, has clearly stated its plans, while 23% affirm that he favors the rich.

President’s initiatives

According to the study, citizens place a high value on the President’s initiatives related to education, and hail this year’s 4% of GDP budget allocation for first time, as required by law.

But support in his native southern region is even stronger, where Medina, 61, has an 83.3% approval rating.

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