Local February 20, 2014 | 10:24 am

Bishops’ call on Loma Miranda boosts environmentalists

Santo Domingo.- Wednesday’s announcement by the Dominican Bishops Conference (CED) asking the authorities to declare Loma Miranda a national park will likely boost environmentalists and other groups’ push for the initiative already passed by the Chamber of Deputies and pending in the Senate.

The catholic bishops’ request came in their yearly statement to mark Independence Day on Feb. 27 titled "The value of the political life," which also calls for a cleanup of the practice of politics, as a service for the common good.

The senior prelates also urge Christians to participate in the nation’s political life in an honest and transparent manner, “but making sure not to fall into the temptation of corruption and personal benefit."

Xstrata Nickel Falcondo

The announcement also comes just one day after the Justice and Transparency Foundation (FJT) asked president Danilo Medina to fire Mining Agency director Alexander Medina, describing him as a sort of "Trojan Horse" and an enemy of the Dominican people.

The FJT said “Alexander Medina defends corporate, purely foreign interests and above the collective interest, for openly promoting Loma Miranda’s exploitation,” by Canadian based miner Xstrata Nickel Falcondo.

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