Local July 13, 2015 | 3:17 pm

Dominican Republic says the OAS has to tell the truth

Santo Domingo.- PresidentDanilo Medina on Monday said he expects the Organization of American States(OAS) mission which came to observe Dominican Republic’s enforcement of its immigrationpolicies to tell the truth on what it saw.

"Here you just have to tell the truth, because there’sabsolutely nothing hidden, so the country’s doors are open for everyone whowants to come to see and observe, but to tell the truth,” the president toldreporters after a visit by Taiwan counterpart Ma Ying-jeou.

Medina said the government will issue identity documentsto those who qualified for regularization and expects that process will start nextweek. "I don’t want the error to be made that a person who was regularized,and because their documents weren’t delivered, run the risk of having to leavethe country involuntarily."

He said the documents to be delivered are being prepared,adding that there are 90,000 foreigners whose passports would be stamped andothers would be given a ID card.

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