Defense: US troops on Dominican soil are not to attack Venezuela

Las Calderas. Exercises. File.
Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic defense minister Rubén Darío Paulino denied Thurs. San Isidro Airbase had been used as a staging area for US troops to invade Venezuela, as the Government of Cuba affirmed earlier today.
Havana said the alleged air movements from February 6 to 10 form part of a “military adventure disguised as a humanitarian intervention of Venezuela.”
According to Cuba’s Govt., the exercises have been staged in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, as well as other Caribbean islands.
“It’s false. There are no United States troops here. Nor has the San Isidro air base been used for these purposes, “said the defense minister quoted by outlet Listin.
The official added that Dominican and American troops are conducting search and rescue exercises at the Dominican Navy base, Bahía las Calderas, in Baní (south). “These are routine exercises that are done every two years between both countries.”