Local June 26, 2024 | 9:16 am

Dominican legislators call for border protection

Santo Domingo.- After the arrival of the first contingent of Kenyan troops in neighboring Haiti, legislators from various political parties have urged the Dominican government to protect the border to prevent Haitian gangs from seeking refuge on Dominican soil.

The congressmen expressed their willingness to support any initiative that empowers the Executive to take necessary measures.

Although the arrival of the 400 Kenyan police officers in Haiti is seen as a significant step towards restoring order, Dominican deputies are primarily concerned that gang members, feeling cornered, might attempt to enter the Dominican Republic.

Haitian Gangs

Since mid-March, armed gangs have taken control of central Port-au-Prince, Haiti, leading to the abandonment of the area, including by the police. Schools, clinics, pharmacies, houses, an art school, and numerous cars have been looted and burned by these gangs.

In operations between February 29 and March 26, the Haitian National Police reported killing 17 alleged gang members, including gang leaders Ernst Julmé (alias Ti Greg) and Makandal. They also confiscated 17 weapons, including 12-gauge rifles, AK47s, 9-millimeter pistols, and M4s, and seized one vehicle.

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Paul Tierney
June 26, 2024 9:25 am

There is enough border protection, 11,000 troops, planes, a wall, drones, helicopters, 4×4’s, and on. What needs to be done is to rid the border mafias and order the troops to do what they are tasked to do. The politicians are windbags looking for votes and to gain money off the Haitian and border chaos.

Isabel Contreras
June 26, 2024 11:04 am
Reply to  Paul Tierney

Exactly the enemy is from within, it’s a shame that they are selling the Country and traitors to Duarte, Sanchez y Mella.

June 28, 2024 4:07 pm

Don’t become like the US Southern Border. Meet this problem with maximum force. These animals do not like hard targets. They only understand absolute force.