Local June 30, 2024 | 8:57 am

Learn how you benefit from the Dominican Republic-US open skies agreement

David Collado and U.S. Undersecretary of State, José W. Fernández during the closing of the open skies agreement. The country benefits, according to the signatory states.

Santo Domingo – The Dominican Republic and the United States reached a binational open skies agreement this Friday following a round of negotiations that culminated yesterday. The deal is expected to be officially signed by President Luis Abinader and endorsed by the National Congress so that it can go into effect.

The Dominican Republic receives the bulk of tourists from the United States, and the remittances reported in the last report of the first-semester income of more than RD$10 billion. This is one of the main drivers of the agreement reached between the two States, but how does this agreement benefit Dominicans?

With the entry into force of this agreement, a considerable decrease is expected due to the effect of competition due to the increases and fluctuations in the prices of airline tickets; therefore, with an increase in supply, consumers, in this case, Dominicans, will benefit.

El ministro de Turismo, David Collado, explica como acuerdo de cielos abiertos beneficia a la República Dominicana.

Minister of Tourism David Collado explains how the open skies agreement benefits the Dominican Republic (External source).

With this new modality, Dominican airlines would no longer have restrictions on the places they can fly to in the United States, and Dominican travelers would have more flight options. That is to say, by increasing the offer, fares would go down, and the entry of more companies in this sector would favor users, in this case, Dominican nationals.

Another benefit for travelers from the Dominican Republic is that they could fly non-stop to more destinations in the United States beyond the usual routes, such as New York and Florida, so that less frequented North American cities are included, but there are communities of Dominican communities.

Another benefit is that Dominicans will no longer have to make connections at other airports, make domestic tourism in U.S. cities, and, in macro terms, would impact the country’s income through economic dynamism.

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Platano Frito
July 1, 2024 10:25 am

Prices going down? when?, what a load of BS. How about getting off this island or continent without transfering through the USA. Good luck, its impossible. Where can I fly nonstop without going through the USA?. I would to like visit Europe or Asia, without the USA’s knowledge or control. you know,real open skies. This is just another control measure disguised as some BS agreement so the ruling class can control the residents (prisoners)