Health March 15, 2025 | 10:10 am

They ensure the population goes to be vaccinated

Vaccination Centers,

Santo DomingoNurses at the Santo Domingo Health Center say that the population is heeding the call of Public Health and regularly coming to get vaccinated against influenza, polio, and human papillomavirus (HPV).

The nurses explained that the flu vaccine is one of the most requested by users, both adults and children, especially during the seasons when flu cases tend to increase.

On the other hand, the person in charge of the vaccines area, Alvin Johnson, highlighted the availability of the HPV vaccine, which will be used as a preventive method for boys between the ages of 9 and 14 as well as girls.

In the case of polio, Jonhson emphasized that unlike the flu and HPV vaccines, it is a compulsory vaccine given to children from two months of age, and the schedule is completed by age four.

In the same vein, the manager pointed out that, given the center’s activity and high demand for offering vaccination services free of charge, they currently have a sufficient supply of vaccines to attend to the entire population that wishes to come.

“The country and the center do have the necessary and sufficient vaccines to vaccinate the population,” said Johnson.

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