People November 2, 2016 | 3:57 pm

Magazine for the Dominican diaspora launches fundraiser

New York, NY.– The online publication for theDominican Diaspora , La Galería Magazine, has launched its Indiegogo Campaignin order to remain an unaffiliated independent grassroots publication. Thepublication has set out to raise $40,000 to improve their website in order tobetter serve their growing visiting and recurring viewers, pay its writers,plan more free community events, go to print, and much more.

In their campaign video, the Galería teamhighlights the need for a platform that caters to the Dominican community andthe issues that affect them. By 2013, Dominicans were the largest immigrantgroup in NYC alone and yet are rarely highlighted in the media outside ofportraying stereotypical roles. La Galería Magazine seeks to break from thatand provide a platform for Dominicans by Dominicans.

“This magazine allows us to be the fullestexpression of what it actually means to be Dominican, and not have to fit intothe boxes that we’ve been told Dominican people are supposed to be in” statesYnanna Djehuty, one of the three founders of the publication.

Founded in 2014 by three Dominican women, LaGalería Magazine is an unaffiliated independent grassroots magazine thatprovides a platform for Dominicans of the Diaspora.

In just two years the online magazine hasattracted Dominicans of both the Diaspora and the Dominican Republic byproviding content that documents and celebrates the stories of the Dominicancommunity. Articles on their website have touched on topics that directly affecttheir community, including blackness, feminism, the trauma of immigration,LGBTQ issues, food, history, sex, and a large array of short poems and creativestories.

The Magazine’s mission is to provide contentthat encourages dialogue, celebrates the community, and inspires action amongDominicans of the Diaspora. La Galería Magazine has published over a hundredarticles, gotten thousands of views, and held free community events in NYC.

The publication has a community of supportersand many of its articles have been used in classroom settings and for communityorganizing purposes. The campaign will allow the publication to continueexpanding and providing safe spaces and platforms for the Dominican community.Please consider donating to the Indiegogo campaign.

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