Business group which protects the environment has new board
Santo Domingo.- The National Environmental Protection BusinessSupport Network (ECORED) on Thursday swore in its new board for the 2016-2018 period,chaired by Rafael Izquierdo, who stressed its 10 years of contributions developa conservation and sustainable management culture.
Present in the event held in the BotanicalGarden were outgoing president Roberto Herrera, Environment minister FranciscoDomínguez, past presidents, promoters and members of the board of directors andrepresentatives of partner companies.
Outgoing ECORED president Roberto Herrerathanked the government agencies for their support during his six-year term. "Iam honored for the opportunity to contribute a grain of sand to raise awarenessin the private sector on protecting the environment and the need to breakparadigms, generating a new business model that takes into account theeconomic, social and environmental impact."