Valle Nuevo’s recovery ‘cannot be halted any longer’

Santo Domingo.- Environment minister FranciscoDominguez reiterated Thursday that Valle Nuevo’s recovery can neither be haltednor delayed any longer.
He also warned that there’ll be no new constructions within theprotected area.
"It’s true that farmers who werededicated to the extensive and intensive production at Valle Nuevo have left,that they can no longer do agriculture, that are dismantling all the pipes, buteven more true is the need for the Dominican Republic to protect its watersbecause without water there is no life, there’s no future," said theofficial.
Speaking in a gathering of the DominicanRepublic Industries Association (AIRD), Dominguez said business leaders haverealized that Valle Nuevo’s situation is a national problem because 7 of every10 Dominicans is supplied with the water produced in Valle Nuevo.
Sustainable development
AIRD president Campos de Moya and Dominguez headeda dialogue on the environment and sustainable development, in which theindustrial sector stated its interest in the recovery of the country’s protectedareas, specifically those most threatened: Los Haitises, Sierra de Bahoruco andSierra de Neiba national parks.