Local July 22, 2016 | 12:41 pm

Women organizations picket the Palace over abortion

Santo Domingo.- Several dozen people from eleven feministorganizations on Friday picketed the National Palace to demand that the Senaterevoke the criminalization of abortion.

Protesters with banners and bullhorns demanded the absolutedecriminalization of abortion, and said the approval by the Chamber of Deputiesviolates the rights to life, health and dignity, among others.

The Women and Health, the Women Development SolidarityCenter (Cemujer), the National Association of Nurses (ASONAEN), the NationalConference of Rural Women (CONAMUCA), the Magaly Pineda Feminist Forum organizedthe protest, among other groups.

They asked the Senate to accept the Presidency’s observation,noting that abortion should be decriminalized when the life and health of thepregnant woman is in danger, in cases of rape and incest and when a malformationis incompatible with clinically demonstrable life.

They asked politicians, social movements, health sector unionsand society’s various sectors to reject the Penal Code which in their view,absolutely criminalizes abortion. “The criminalization of abortion in thecountry has led thousands of women to resort to it illegally, unsafely and riskingtheir lives.”

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