Economy March 29, 2022 | 10:57 am

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High commissions, security deposits hobble real estate

Santo Domingo.-  The amount of deposits and commissions to be delivered, the price, the duration, the data of a guarantor or guarantor and the characteristics of the property are among the main information that a rental contract must contain, in addition to the identity of the owner and the lessee.

Other data that must appear are the conditions in which the property is delivered, who will be responsible for repairing it in case of damage, and the possibility or not that it can be sublet.

However, the differences that are generated the most between owners and tenants concern the rental value, the presentation of the guarantor and the advance payment.

“The requirement of a guarantor has brought some difficulties when renting in many of the cases that one is presented with, because the tenant almost never finds a guarantor, unless it is his family,” explains the lawyer Milanny Méndez , real estate specialist.


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