They highlight that the Dominican Republic produces 85% of its food
The Dominican Republic produces 85% of its food, so there is no need to issue massive import permits.
The directors of the Dominican Poultry Association (ADA) emphasized that despite the pandemic, Dominican producers have made an effort to continue producing despite the adverse effects of the pandemic and this should be valued.
The president of the entity, José López Deschamps, highlighted that the food basket produced in the Dominican Republic is rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, and meats, and this guarantees a balanced consumption of the nutrients required by human beings.
ADA director Wilfredo Cabrera López pointed out that every day, more producers make changes and adapt their facilities to be more competitive and efficient. For example, chicken producers have air-conditioned facilities so that production is not affected during the hot months.
He indicated that they had sought ways to be competitive, and this provides independence and food security.
He also pointed out that when an import order is placed, the product takes a long time to arrive due to difficulties in the supply chain.
They indicated that at the moment, due to the increase in raw material prices, producing both eggs and chickens is more expensive, and most of it is being assumed by the producers.
And he said that more than 80% of the producers maintained prices during the pandemic, and agreements were made with large distributors.
I totally agreed with this statement. Our country had not suffer shortage of anything that is locally produce during the pandemic or now after the Russian and Ukraine conflict. So let’s support our farmers and not crush them with the importation of products that we produce in this country.